• The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy {Biographical Account of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse}
• Who is this Shaikh “Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kaolacky”
• Majmū’at ad-Dawāwīn (Collection of Eulogy Works) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse. {Content: Dawāwinu-s Sitt + Nūr al-Haq + Sayr al-Qalb} Arabic text & English translation
• Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh Balarabe Haroon Jega (Hausa-Ajami text & English translation
• Shariah and Haqeeqa: in the Light of the Quran and prophetic tradition
• Spiritual Flood (Alūfu-l Khalqi Ma'lūf), by Shaykh 'Abdul-Quadr ibn 'Ali Al-Nupewy [Annotated Translation from Arabic to English
• Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions