اللهم يا محيي الرّفات, ويا دافع الآفات, ويا واقي المخافات, ويا كريم المكافاة, ويا موئل العُفاة ويا وليّ العفوَ والمعافاة, صلِّ على محمد خاتم أنبيائك ومبلّغ أنبائك, وعلى مصابيح أسرته, ومفاتيح نصرته, وأعذني وأولادي وأزواجي وأهلي وذريتي, من نزعات الشياطين, ونزوات السلاطين, وإعنات الباغين ومعاداة العادين وعدوان المعادين, وغلب الغالبين, وسلب السالبين, وحيل المحتالين, وغِيلٍ المغتالين, وأجدني اللهم من جور المجاورين, ومجاورة الجائرين, وكفّ عنّي أكفّ الضائمين وأخرجني من ظلمات الظالمين, وأدخلني برحمتك في عبادك الصالحين.
اللهم حطني في تربتي وغيبتي, وغربتي وأوبتي, ونجعتي ورجعتي, وتصرّفي ومُنصرفي, وتقلّبي ومنقلبي, واحفظني في نفسي ونفائسي, وعِرْضي وعَرَضَي وعَددَي وعُدَدي, وسكني ومسكني, وحولي وحالي, ومالي ومآلي, ولا تلحق بي تغييرا, ولا تسلّط عليّ مغيراً, واجعل لي من لدنك سلطاناً نصيراً.
اللهم احرسني بعينك وعونك, واخصصني بأمنك ومنّك, وتولّني باختيارك وخيرك, ولا تكلني إلى كلاءة غيرك, وهبْ لي عَافيةً غير عَافية, وارزقني رفاهيةً غير واهية, واكفني مخاشيَ اللأواء, واكنفني بغواشي الآلاء, ولا تظفرْ بي أظفار الأعداء, إنك سميع الدعاء.
Allahummah Ya Muhyiya-r Rufāt, wa Yā Dāfi‘a-l Āfāt, wa Yā Wāqi‘a-l Mukhāfāt, wa Yā Kareema-l Mukāfāt, wa Yā Mauhila-l ‘Ufāt wa Yā Waliyya-l ‘Afwi wa-l Mu‘āfāt. Salli 'alā Muhammad, Khātim Anbiyā'ika wa Muballigh Anbā'ika wa ‘alā Masābīhi Usratihi wa Mafātīhi Nusratihi wa A‘idhnī wa Awlādī Wa Dhuriyyatī Allahumma min Nazaghāti-sh Shayāteen wa Nazawāti-s Salāteen wa I‘ināti-l Bāgheen wa Mu‘ānati-t Tāgheen wa Mu‘ādati-l ‘Ādeen wa ‘Udwāni-l Mu‘ādeen wa Ghalabi-l Ghālibeen wa Salabi-s Sālibeen wa Hiyali-l Muhtāleen wa Ghayli-l Mughtāleen. Wa Ajirnī Allahumma min Jauri-l Jā'ireen wa Mujāwarati-l Jāhireen wa Kuffa ‘annī akuffa-d dā'imeen. Wa akhrijni min zulmāti-z zālimeen wa Adkhilni bi-Rahmatika fī ‘Ibādika-s Sāliheen. Allahumma Hutnī fī Turbatī wa Ghurbatī wa Ghaybatī wa Aubatī wa Nuj‘atī wa Raj‘atī wa Tasarrufī wa Munsarifī wa Taqallubī wa Munqalabī Wa'hfaznī fī Nafsī wa Nafā'isī wa ‘irdī wa ‘aradī wa ‘adadī wa ‘udadī wa sakanī wa maskanī wa haulī wa hālī wa mālī wa ma'ālī wa lā tulhiq-bī taghyeeran wa tusallit ‘alayya mugheerān. Waj‘al-lī min ladunka Sultānān Naseerān. Allahumma Ahrusni bi-‘Aynika wa ‘Awnika wakh'susnī bi-amnika wa mannika wa Taqallubī bi'khtiyārika wa khayrika wa lā takilnī ilā kilā'atin ghayrika. Wa Hab-lī ‘Āfiyatan. Wakfinī Makhashiya-l La'awāi, Waknufnī bi-ghawāshī-l Ālā'i, wa lā tuzfir-bī azfāra-l a‘adāi. Innaka Samee‘u-d Du‘āi. Bi-Sirri-l Fātiha.
Oh Allah! Oh Reviver of the corpse (remains/dead body), Oh You Defender from Tribulations, Oh You Protector from Fearful/dreadful things, Oh You Generous-One who Rewards, Oh You Fortress of those in need, Oh Patron/Master of Pardon, who Rewards & Give Peace. Shower Salutations upon Prophet Muhammad! Seal of your Prophets, who conveyed your sacred news (divine messages), and (shower Your blessing) upon his illuminated family and the openers of assistance (among his blessed companions). And grant me and my children & progeny refuge, Oh Allah, from the evil incitements of Satan(s) and (grant me refuge from) the overriding/cheating from the Kings/Powerful Individuals, and (grant me refuge from) the hardship from deceitful ones, and (grant me refuge from) the appearance/resemblance of thugs/criminals, and (grant me refuge from) enmity of transgressors, and (grant me refuge from) hypocrisy of the hypocrites, and (grant me refuge from) the conquest of the conquerors, and (grant me refuge from) the dispossession from the deprivers, and (grant me refuge from) subterfuge of the tricksters, and (grant me refuge from) the attack of the bandits. Save me, Oh Allah, from the cheating of cheaters. And save me from those who belittle people. And bring me out/save me from the wrongdoing of the wrongdoers. And make me enter, with Your Mercy, in the company of Your Righteous Servants. Oh Allah, guard me in my abode (where I reside) and when am away (from my abode) and when am absent and when am returning back and when I go out to seek sustenance and when returning (from my outing to get daily sustenance) and when am out to hustle and when returning back. And protect me from my evil self, and from my precious possessions, and (guard for me Oh Allah) my integrity, and my possessions, and my family, and my preparations, and my family, and family house, and my power, and my health condition, and my wealth and precious abode (where I return). And don't let things turn out bad from me, and don't let me be devoured by evil plotters. And give me from yourself, Supreme help. Oh Allah, protect me under your divine countenance and watch, and Your help, and grant me safety specially from You and a special divine help. And elevate me specially from You and grant me divine goodness. And do not let me depend on anyone except from You. Grant me limitless peace. And provide me with enjoyment of life without any stress. And surround me with fear of evil things that can destroy me and surround me with precious good things. And do not let the plots/mights of the enemies manifest on me. Verily, you listen to prayers! By Suratu-l Fātiha...