Sidi Ibn Al-Nahwi
This remarkable poem/prayer
was written in the 11th Century by a famous Maghribi scholar/saint Ibn Nahwi,
famous for his ability to bless and curse. The recitation of this poem is
believed to relieve the difficulties and grant the wishes of the reciter and
listener. If you wish to hear some
powerfully rhythmic poetry, play some of the youtube clips below.
He is Yusuf bin Muhammad bin Yusuf, Abul Fadl known as Ibn al-Nahwi
al-Tawzari. He was born in Tawzar in the southern Yunisa in the year 1042
Hijri. He studied with a number of the scholars of his time not least the
jurists (fuqaha) such as Abul Hasan al-Lakhami, his Shaykh al-Ma'zari and
likewise al-Shaqratasi.
After Abul Fadl completed his travels in the pursuit of knowledge he
returned to his hometown of Tawzar, but had to leave it due to the oppression
of the ruler of that place. He therefore lived in different cities of Algeria
and Morrocco teaching grammar, jurisprudence, principles of law, tenents of
faith whilst at the same time traversing the path of self purification and
His students included Qadi Musa bin Hammad al-Sanhaji, Abu Muhammad
Abdullah bin Suleiman al-Taharti and Ibn al-Ramamah the Mufti of Fes.
He was known for his piety and became well known for his mastery of
jurisprudence. Along with this efficacy of his supplications-(dua) was attested
to such that it was said by some: I seek refuge in Allah from the
supplication of Ibn al-Nahwi!
After his leaving his hometown of Tawzar he headed towards Algeria and
stayed in the Masjid of Bani Hammad in Masaylah.
A man there complained to him of his suffering from his having to flee
from the oppressor of his home place and requested him to raise the issue with
the oppressor so that he may permit him to return.
The ruler saw a dream which troubled him and resulted him in halting his
acts of oppression whilst admitting to his sins. He instructed that this man’s
wealth be returned because he saw in his dream the Prophet (Allah bless him and
give him peace) who said: Send to Abul Fadl bin al-Nahwi in the masjid known as
such in Algeria, and carry out what he orders. The Khalifah did this and sent
someone in search of him.
When he entered and found him he said: What is your need O Abul Fadl? He
informed him of his order and wrote for him to return of all that he had been informed
Then he was asked: What is your means with the Messenger of Allah? He
then informed him of his poem.
The great Sufi Shaykh Sidi Ibn Nahwi keep good company with young Sidi
Ali ibn Harzihim-(Ghazalian in tariqah) Later Sidi Ali ibn Harzihim become the
Sufi master of Sidi Abu Madyan Ghawth-(Sidi Abu Maydan was the Sufi master of
the Great Qutb Sidi Ibn Mashish, Sidi Ibn Mashish was the Sufi master of the
greatest Qutb Imam Shadhili).
The grandson of Sidi Ali ibn Harzihim, The Sufi master Sidi Mohammed ibn
Harazem, was the Sufi master that educated the young Imam Shadhili and started
his journey sufi to seek the 'Spiritual Pole of the Time-'Qutb az-Zaman' who
was Imam Shadhili's Master, the Great Al-Qutb Sidi Ibn Mashish.
Qasidah Munfarijah- is sung along side the other Famous Dua 'The Prayer
of the Oppressed'-al-Du’a al-Nasiri by Sidi Ibn Nasir.
Afdala al-ibadati Intidharul-faraji-“The most superior worship is
anticipating relief.”-Hadith. To wait-Intidhar an for an opening from Allah is
worship. Since we are waiting an opening of Mercy-rahma, then it is considered
worship-ibadat. So wait for an opening by keeping to worship.
The only way to save ourselves from the terrible troubles expected to
appear soon and which are now happening and before the advent of al-Mahdi (as),
is to spend our time in worship.Thus the importance of Qasidah Munfarijah- 'The
Poem of Relief' the poem that asked for Help againest Problems and against
“The first of those who are called to Paradise are the ‘praisers’ those
who praise Allah in ease and hardship.”-Hadith. And that is what Qasidah
Munfarijah- 'The Poem of Relief' is it 'Prasies Allah in in ease and hardship'.
A common saying in the twelfth-century Fez was: "I seek refuge in
God from the curse of Ibn Nahwi!" to illustrate the truth of this saying,
at-Tadili reports that when Ibn Nahwi lived in Sijilmasa he stayed at a certain
mosque, where he taught usul al-fiqh.
One day an official notary ('adil) passed by the door to the mosque and
asked, "What is the discipline that this person is teaching?" When
told that Ibn Nahwi was conducting lessons on the scripturally passed sources
of jurisprudence, the notary, who followed only the early unreformed-Maliki
tradition, replied derisively, "How is this one allowed to teach us
subjects we do not know of?" and ordered the Shaykh to be thrown out of
the mosque. Before leaving, Ibn Nahwi rose to his feet and said to his
tormentor, "You killed knowledge. Now God will kill you in this very
place!" The next day, when the man went to the mosque in order to notarise
a marriage contract, he was killed by a tribesman whose clan was feuding with
his own.
اشتدي ازمة تنفرجي ** قد آذن ليلك بالبلج
Ishtad-dee azmat' tanfarijee || qad Aadhana layluki bil balaji
Get worse, o trouble, so
that you may be lifted
For your night has
announced the breaking of the dawn
الليل له سرج ** حتى يغشاه أبو السرج
wa-zalaamul layli lahus surajun || hataa yaghshahu Abuu-s suruji
And even the darkness of
the night has its gleams
until the father of these
gleams overwhelms them
سحاب الخير له مطر ** فإذا جاء الإبان تجي
Wa sahaabul khayri lahu matarun || fa idhaa Jaa'a-l ibaa'anu tajii
And the dark clouds of
bounty carry rain
that comes when its time is
مولانا جمل ** لسروح الانفس و المهج
Wa-fawaaidu mawlaanaa jumalun || lis-suroohi-l anfusi wa-l muhaji
The blessings of our Lord
are many
so your soul and heart’s
blood can roam free
أرج محي أبدا ** فاقصد محيا داك الارج
Wa lahaa arajun muhyin abadaan || faqsid mahyaa daaka-l araji
And they (the blessings)
have a life-giving scent
so go to the source of that
فَلَرُبَّتَمَا فَاضَ المَحْيَا *** بِبُحورِ
المَوْجِ من اللُّجَجِ
Fala rubbatamaa faada-l mahyaa || bi-buhuuri-l mawji mina-l lujaji
And sometimes there is an
overflowing of life
oceans of waves of surging
والخلق جميعا في يده *** فَذَوُ سَعَةٍ و ذَوُ
Wal khalqu jamii'aan fee yadihi || fadhawu sa'atin wa dhawu haraji
All creation is in his
hands, some are expanded (have it easy)
while others are
constricted (have it hard)
نُزولُهُم و طُلوعُهُم *** فإلى دَرَكٍ و على دَرَجٍ
Wa nuzuuluhum watuloo'uhum || fa-ila darakin wa 'alaa daraji
Their descents and ascents
are either down a level or up a step
are either down a level or up a step
معايِشُهُم و عَواقِبُهُم *** ليست في المَشْيِ على عِوَجِ
Wa ma'aayish-uhum wa 'awaaqibuhum || laysat fii-l mashyi 'alaa 'iwaji
and their lives and their
are not happening at random
are not happening at random
حِكَمٌ نُسِجَتْ بِيَدٍ حَكَمَتْ *** ثم
انتسجَت بالمُنْتَسِجِ
Hikamun nusijat biyadin hakamat || thumma-ntasajat bil muntasiji
Their wisdoms have been
woven together by the hands of fate
and they’ve been knitted
into the weaver
Fa-idhaa-aqtasadat thumma-n-'arajat || fa-bimuqtasidin wa bi-mun-'ariji
And so if things seem
narrow and bent
know that it was meant to
be like this
شَهِدَت بعجائِبها حُجَجٌ *** قامت بالأمر على
Shahidat bi-'ajaa-ibihaa hujajun || qaamat bil-amri 'alaa-l hujaji
Their marvels have been
witnessed as proofs
establishing the matter
upon these proofs
و رِضًا بقضاء الله حِجَا *** فعلى
مَرْكوزَتِها فَعُج
Wa ridaan bi qadaa-i-Llaahi-hijaa || fa'alaa markuuzatihaa fa'uji
Contentment with God’s
decree is the knot
so make it your focus and
turn your mount towards it
فإذا انفتحت أبوابُ هُدَى *** فاعجل بخزائنها و
Fa-idhaa-nfatahat abwaabu hudaa || fa-a'ajal bikhizaa-inihaa wa-liji
Fa-idhaa-nfatahat abwaabu hudaa || fa-a'ajal bikhizaa-inihaa wa-liji
So if the doors of guidance
are opened
then hurry into their
treasuries and stay there
وإذا حاوَلْتَ نِهايتَها *** فاحذَرْ إذْ ذَاك
من العَرَج
Fa-idhaa haawalta nihaayatahaa || fah'dhar idh dhaaka minal-'araji
If you seek their end
then beware, for that is
لتكون من السُّبّاقِ إذا *** ما جِئْتَ إلى تلك
Li-takuuna minas-subbaaqi idhaa || maa ji'ta ilaa tilka-l furuji
So that you can be among
the foremost,
when you arrive at those
(heavenly) expanses
فهناك العَيْشُ و بَهجَتُهُ *** فَبِمُبتهِجٍ و
Fa-hunaanka-l 'ayshu wa bah-jatuhu || fabi-mubtahijin wabi-muntahiji
remain there, for there is
found life and bliss everlasting
for the one who has arrived
and he who is arriving
فَهِجِ الأعمال إذا رَكَدَتْ *** و إذا ما
هِجْتَ إذَن تَهِجِ
Fa-ijil a'amaala idhaa rakadat || wa idhaa maa hijta idhan tahiji
So hasten to renew your
efforts when they become stale
For if you consistently
renew them, they will become constant
و معاصي الله سَمَاجَتُهَا *** تَزدانُ لذي
الخُلقِ السَّمِج
Wa ma'aasii-Llahi samaajatuhaa || tazdaanu lidhii-l khuluqi-s samaji
So disobeying God and its
become beautiful to one who character is bent
become beautiful to one who character is bent
و لِطاعَتِه و صَبَاحَتِها *** أنوارُ صبَاحٍ
Wa li-taa'atihi wa sabaahatihaa || anwaaru sabaahin munbaliji
But obeying God and its
are the gleams of a radiant morning
are the gleams of a radiant morning
من يخْطب حُورَ الخُلْدِ بِها *** يَحظَى بالحُور وَبالغُنجِ
Man yakhtuba huura-l khuldi bihaa || yah'zaa bil huuri wa bi-l ghunaji
Whoever proposes to the
maidens of eternity with these [lights]
will surely win over these
lovely ones
فكُنِ المَرْضِيَ لهَا بِتُقاً *** تَرْضَاهُ
غَداً و تَكونَ نَجِي
Fakuni-l mardiya lahaa bi-tuqaan || tardaa-u ghadaan wa takuna najii
So be pleased with them
through your mindfulness of God
for tomorrow you will be
satisfied and saved
و اتْلُ القرآن بقَلْبٍ ذِي *** حُزنٍ و بصَوتٍ فيه شَج
Watlu-l Qur'aani bi-qalbin dhii ## huznin wa bi-sautin feehi shaji
Recite the Qur’an with a heart..
full of sadness and a voice of sweet melancholy
و صلاة الليل مسافَتُها *** فاذهَبْ فيها
بالفَهْمِ و جِي
Wa salaatu-l layli musaafatuhaa ## faa'dh-ab fiihaa bi-l fahmi wa jii
And the night prayer, and its hours,
go through them with understanding and return
Wa salaatu-l layli musaafatuhaa ## faa'dh-ab fiihaa bi-l fahmi wa jii
And the night prayer, and its hours,
go through them with understanding and return
و تأمَّلَها و معانِيها *** تَأتِي الفِردوسَ و
Wa ta-amalahaa wa ma'aaniihaa ## ta'atii-l firdawsi wa tabtahiji
And reflect upon it and its meanings; you will arrive at paradise and be relieved
And reflect upon it and its meanings; you will arrive at paradise and be relieved
و اشرب تَسْنِيمَ مُفَجِّرِها *** لا
مُمْتَزِجًا و بمُمْتَزِجِ
Washrab tasneema mufajjirihaa ## Laa mumtazijaan wa bi-mumtaziji
And drink from Tasnīm as it gushes forth, unmixed or mixed
And drink from Tasnīm as it gushes forth, unmixed or mixed
مُدِحَ العَقلُ الآتِيهِ هُدًى *** و هَوَى
المُتَوَلِّ عنه هُجِي
Mudiha-l 'aqlu-l aatiihi hudaan ## wa hawaa-l mutawalli 'anhu hujii
The intellect is praised for giving it guidance and
The intellect is praised for giving it guidance and
passion, preventing it from
being ridiculed
و كتاب الله رِيَاضَتُهُ *** لِعُقُولِ
النَّاسِ بِمُنْدَرِجِ
Wa kitaabu-llahi riyaadatuhu ## li-'uquuli-n naasi bi-mundariji
The book of God, its gardens are for the embodied intellects of creation
The book of God, its gardens are for the embodied intellects of creation
و خِيارُ الخَلْقِ هُدَاتُهُمُ *** و سِوَاهُمْ
من هَمَجِ الهَمَجِ
Wa khiyaaru-l khalqi hudaatuhumu ## wa siwaahum min hamaji-l hamaji
The best of creation find rest therein, all other than them get ravenous hunger from it
The best of creation find rest therein, all other than them get ravenous hunger from it
كنت المقدام فلا ** تجزع في الحرب من الرهج
So if you are brave and do not panic in the haze of war
أبصرت منار هدى ** فاظهر فردا فوق الثبج
and if you are made to see the lights of guidance,
then let them shine above
the heights
اشتاقت نفس وجدت ** ألما بالشوق المعتلج
and when the soul longs, it finds painfully by longing for relief
الحسنى ضاحكة ** وتمام الضحك على الفلج
Goodness unfolds laughing and the completion of laughter is success
الأسرار إجتمعت ** بأمانتها تحت السرج
Flaws and secrets are gathered with their trusts under the saddle
يدوم لصاحبه ** والخرق يصير إلي الهرج
Kindness endures for its owner while separation leads to chaos
الله على المهدي ** الهادي الناس إلي النهج
The Blessings of God upon the Guided One (Mahdi), who guides people to the Way
بكر في سيرته ** ولسان مقالته اللهج
And on Abu Bakr, always together with him in life and in speech
حفص وكرامته ** في قصه سارية الخلج
And on Abu Hafs (‘Umar), his nobility in the story of the staff
عمر ذي النورين ** المستحي المستحي البهج
And on Abu ‘Umar (‘Uthman) He of the two lights, who blushed and made blush with delight
حسن في العلم ** إذا وافى بسحائبه الخلج
and on Abu Hasan (‘Ali) like a heavy raincloud of knowledge, fulfilling his promise
السبطين وأمهما ** وجميع الآل بهم فلج
الحسنين وأمهما ** وجميع الآل بهم فلج
and on the two Hasans (Hasan and Husayn) and their mother (Fatimah), and the entire family (of the Prophet), success comes from them
و قرابته ** و قفاة الأثر على النهج
and their Companions and close ones, following in their footsteps is the way
أتباعهم العلماء ** بعوارف دينهم البهج
and on their followers, the scholars, the right way is in knowledge of their religion
عملي بخواتمهم ** لأكون غدا في الحشر نجي
I conclude my work with them, so that I may be delivered (with them) tomorrow in the gathering
بهم وبآلهم ** عجل بالنصر وبالفرج
O Lord by them, and by their families, hasten victory and relief
فإذا كنت المِقْدَامَ فَلا *** تَجْزَعْ في
الحَربِ من الرَّهَجِ
و إذا أبْصَرْتَ مَنَارَ هُدَى *** فاظْهَر
فَرْدًا فَوْقَ الثَّبَجِ
و إذا اشْتَاقَت نفسٌ وَجَدت *** ألَمًا
بالشَّوقِ المُعْتَلِجِ
و ثَنَايَا الحَسْنا ضَاحِكةً *** و تَمَامُ
الضَّحْكِ على الفَلَجِ
و غِيابُ الأسْرارِ اجْتَمَعَتْ *** بأمانتِها
تحت السُّرُجِ
و الرِّفْقُ يدوم لصاحِبهِ *** و الخِرْقُ
يَصِير إلى الهَرَجِ
صَلَواتُ اللهِ على المَهْدِي *** الهادي الناس
إلى النَّهْجِ
و أبي بكرٍ في سيرَتِه *** و لِسانِ مقالتِه
و أبي حَفْصٍ و كرامتِهِ *** في قِصَّةِ
سَارِيَةَ الخَلَجِ
و أبي عَمْرٍ ذي النُّورَيْنِ *** المُسْتَهْدِ
المُسْتَحْيِ البَهِجِ
و أبي حَسَنٍ في العِلْمِ إذَا *** وَافَى
بسَحائِبِه الخَلَجِ
و على السِّبْطَيْنِ و أمِّهِما *** و جميعِ
الآلِ بمُنْدَرِجِ
و صَحَابَتِهِم و قَرَابَتِهِمْ *** و قُفَاتُ
الأثْرِ بلا عِوَجِ
و على تُبّاعِهُمُ العُلَمَا *** بعَوارِفِ
دينِهِم البَهِجِ
يا رَبِّ بهِم و بآلِهِم *** عجِّل بالنَّصْرِ
و بالفَرَجِ
و ارحَم يا أكْرَمَ مَنْ رحِمَا *** عَبْدًا عن
بابِكَ لَمْ يَعُجِ
و اخْتِمْ عمَلِي بخَواتِمِها *** لِأكون غدًا
في الحَشْرِ نَجِي
لَكِنِّي بجُودِكَ مُعْتَرِفٌ *** فاقْبَلْ
بمَعَاذِرِي حِجَجِي
و إذَا بك ضَاقَ الأمْرُ فَقُلْ *** إشْتَدِّي
أزْمَةُ تَنْفَرِجِي
Transliterated by Sidi Saif Qarni & Isma'eel Bakare
Audio Recordings of the Du’a al-Nasiri and Qasidah Munfarija by
Fuqara of Sidi Hamza Qadiri-budshishi mp3
Audio Qasida al-Munfarijah recited by Zakariya Idrisi Mp3
Audio Qasida al-Munfarijah recited by Zakariya Idrisi Mp3


1. Tahniah (Congratulatory Ode) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse to the Prophet Muhammad (Part 1) – Selected, Transliterated & Translated by Alhaji Abdul-Quadri Okeneye
2. Handbook for Every Tijaniyyat - (Compiled by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)

1. Dala'ilu l khairat of Shaikh Sulaiman Jazuli (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
2. Hizbu Sayfi & Hizbul Mughni (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
3. Hizbul Bahri (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
4. Hizbu Suwar al Manee'hi – ‘Arabic (composed like Hizbu Sayfi)’ (by Shk. Muhammad Gibrima)
5. Sidratul Muntaha ad-daa'een– ‘Arabic’ (by Muhammad Gibrima)
6. Jihazu Sarih – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shk. Muhammad Gibrima)
7. Tibbul faa'ihi – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shk. Abdul-Waahid Nazeefii)
8. Nataa'ij Safar – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shaikh Muhammad Gibrima)
9. Itbaau Tazyeel – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shaikh Muhammad Gibrima)
10. Sirrul Jaleel fii l Khawaas 'Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal Wakeel (by Shaikh Abul Hassan Shadhili)
11. Afdalu Salawaat ala Sayyidi Saadaat – ‘Arabic collection of Salat upon the Prophet’ (Shaikh Yusuf ibn Ismaa'eel an-Nabahani)
12. Kanzul Masun wa luuluu l Maknuun – ‘Arabic collection of prayers written by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse. Compiled by Imam Hassan Cisse’.
10. Sirrul Jaleel fii l Khawaas 'Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal Wakeel (by Shaikh Abul Hassan Shadhili)
11. Afdalu Salawaat ala Sayyidi Saadaat – ‘Arabic collection of Salat upon the Prophet’ (Shaikh Yusuf ibn Ismaa'eel an-Nabahani)
12. Kanzul Masun wa luuluu l Maknuun – ‘Arabic collection of prayers written by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse. Compiled by Imam Hassan Cisse’.
13. Ahzab wa Awrad (Litanies) of Shaikh Ahmad Tijani

1. Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh Balarabe Haroon Jega - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
2. Rihlat Konakriyah (A trip to Conakry), Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
3. Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
4. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
5. Kano Conferences (Majlis Kano) and the khutba titled (Hadiqat al-Anwar fii ma ihtawa alayhi qawaaid al-Islam minal hikam wal asrar) - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
6. Katsina and Kaduna Conferences (Jadhbul ahbab ila hadrat Rabbil arbab) and Mecca Conference - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
7. A Brief Biography of the Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
8. Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass al-Kawlakhi" – (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razzaq Solagberu)
9. Islamic Law of Inheritance, by Sayyid Ali ibn Abubakar al-Muthanna ibn Abdullah Niasse (Translated by Dr. Sulaiman Shittu)
10. Muassasah Nasr al-'ilm Int. (AAII) Magazines No. 13, 14 & 15 (with Articles like Outline of Life of Sufi Heros & Heroines like Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse, Shaikh Abdus-Salam Oniwiridi Pakata, Shaikh Muhammad Bello Eleha, Shaikh Ahmad Rufa'i Nda Salati, and others...this magazines also features other interesting Articles).
11. Numerous “English” Sufism & Tijaniyyah Tariqah E-books/Journals/Articles (soft copies - to be sent via email)
9. Islamic Law of Inheritance, by Sayyid Ali ibn Abubakar al-Muthanna ibn Abdullah Niasse (Translated by Dr. Sulaiman Shittu)
10. Muassasah Nasr al-'ilm Int. (AAII) Magazines No. 13, 14 & 15 (with Articles like Outline of Life of Sufi Heros & Heroines like Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse, Shaikh Abdus-Salam Oniwiridi Pakata, Shaikh Muhammad Bello Eleha, Shaikh Ahmad Rufa'i Nda Salati, and others...this magazines also features other interesting Articles).
11. Numerous “English” Sufism & Tijaniyyah Tariqah E-books/Journals/Articles (soft copies - to be sent via email)
12. Numerous “Arabic” Sufism & Tijaniyyah Tariqah E-books/Journals/Articles (soft copies - to be sent via email)
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